Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Joining for Gratituesday!

Joining for Gratituesday!

2011 was a year of wonderful surprises! My husband came home in November of 2010. I was very excited! He was going to go on a 3 year break from deployments! We were stationed in California. I was very excited thinking of all the amazing things we were going to get to do with our fabulous friends in California. In the Military, We all find and make our own little families when we are miles away from our real families.

We were making improvements on our house in California, Dreaming of the fun summers we were going to have camping,going to Disneyland, traveling around California. Do you see we were happy to be in California? Then all of a sudden, The time came to find our new duty station!

My husband calls me..... All of our options for a new duty station are all on the East Coast! None are in California except cold weather training. If you know my husband, Which many do not, he is not about any kind of cold weather! We picked the best choice for us, We choose South Carolina! It was a world wind of Google this and Google that! I had never been past Alabama. I was super excited, My kids not so much! So our new duty station was picked in February, When we were leaving? We had no clue! My husband's orders were the first set of orders frozen by the budget show down in 2011! It was scary! Then it sucked ( Really no other words for it) because we were being asked, When are you leaving? Why haven't you gotten orders yet? Every day! I woke up one day at the end of March, I told my husband. We are going to get our orders today! That afternoon, We got our orders around 2 pm. I was in shock!

We were given 3 weeks to move a Family of 5 across the country! We had to rush to get the kids out of school, Had to rush to get the housing stuff settled. It was a crazy rush and crazy dash. When you know a date, You automatically start thinking, What can I throw away and pick up there? Oh, This is not precious to us, This is precious to us. It was a lot of cleaning and getting ready to move. I miss our old house in California! Alot of amazing memories were made there. A lot of friends met and lost, A lot of amazing friends who are my family now, and too many good byes that we would have never had if we had not been a Marine Family.

I am grateful today that in 2012, that my husband woke up today going to his first day of work for 2012. He has a stable job. I am excited for this! I can not believe all the amazing blessings I got in 2011. I look forward to 2012 and I can not believe all the possibilities we have available for us!

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your short notice moved sounds like us! Right now we are in the hotel waiting to move to our new duty station in Minnesota. We had a little over 3 weeks notice that we were moving. I'm glad to hear things worked out for you all.
    Stopping by from GratiTuesday!
