Monday, November 21, 2011

What are you thankful for each day?

Every day you will usually think, I am thankful for this, or I am so glad that I did this for this. Etc, etc, etc. I try to think each day before I go to bed about the great things that have been great to me that day. I am thankful for at least 5 things before I go to bed. It helps me to relax, and go to bed with good thoughts on my brain. I love it.

When you go to bed, do you have a smile on your face? Do you think, I am so lucky I have a bed to sleep in, or I have 4 walls and a roof over my head while I sleep right now. I am so thankful for the little things in life that I can not believe that God has blessed me with. I am so thankful that I have such an amazing life. Is there stress? Of course. I would be lying saying that I live in this perfect lala land.

I hope for Thanksgiving this year, you can start a new tradition, everyone say one thing you are thankful for and every night at dinner continue the tradition for a whole year. Look at how amazing your outlook will turn out to be! I will start, I am very thankful for the amazing life God has given me, and I am thankful for all of you wonderful readers!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you think it is too early?

Too early for Christmas that is! My husband having duty means me and the babies get to start getting our Christmas stuff ready for being put out this week! I love putting my Christmas stuff out early, this year we get to enjoy it the whole month of December! I am so thankful for that!

What is you family tradition for Christmas decorating? We always go the day after Christmas and buy our Christmas tree. Last year we had to wait for daddy to come home but you can bet your sweet tooth we did get a tree within 24 hours of daddy being home :) What can I say, We are spoiled rotten by that amazing man!

I got my Christmas music going, my house is freezing even though it is only 53 degrees out side in Beautiful South Carolina. We are all pitching in getting things put away from the week of just throwing things here and there. I am thankful that my children are getting to an age where everyone can help me with chores now. I know that one day I will see how spoiled I have gotten with them helping me. I hope that I am able to make sure they know how much I appreciate all the amazing help and amazing friendship each has given to me.

I look forward to one day being old and gray, and having my babies around with all my family for holidays. I pray everyone will be able to make it home from where they are serving, going to school or living.

I pray you have an amazing day everyone, take a little time to celebrate the fact you woke up today, Just the fact you get to open your eyes each day for a second chance is a blessing in it's self! 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Love saving money!!!

As a military family, saving money is a key component to our survival. To be a stay at home mom, we make sacrifices. I am so blessed that I am able to work from home doing what I love to do and be able to participate with my children with school.

I love finding the best deal, I will shop at stores that double or honor competitors ads.  I went to Bi-Lo yesterday and got amazing deals!  I saved $78.30 and only had to pay $52.21!

Here is a picture of my great score!

What are you favorite deals that you like to use with coupons? I love doubling, it make me feel like I am doing so much more for my family! I only wish I could have an enormous stock pile, One can only wish.....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming fast....

Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday next to Christmas. I love all the food and everything is SOOOO GOOD!!! Being from Texas, we always have alot of food on our table, I am guessing it is all great southern food. I love our sweet potatoes, I especially love the marshmellows on top. I love the green bean casserole. The best part of our Thanksgiving meal is the Cherry Pie!!!

I can not wait to have our pictures of our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. What is your favorite part of you Thanksgiving dinner?

Do you have any traditions that are great? Tell me about them! I want to add some more to our family time! Leave your feedback here!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Is your cup half empty or half full?

When I wake up in the morning, I can honestly say, I am happy that I have another day to spend with my amazing family!  I took a picture recently and people commented how happy I looked. I have gotten alot happier since I have met some friends here. It is an amazing thing when you have someone just to say hi, even if they are not your real friend. I love meeting new people and I love having friends. I love to see the good in everything.

I think that smiling will automatically make you feel good about a situation, I will be the first to admit that it is hard sometimes when things are not going my way and I dont know I am going to do what needs to be done. I have to take a deep breath and re-evaluate the situation.  Sometimes in life you have to take a deep breath and re-evaluate how your life is going. Life is not always fair to how we want things to go, but it is how we should live. WE have the power on how we live our life.

Sorry for the rambling today. I was driving home and the weather was great, I rolled the window down and turned the music up. It is a simple pleasure that made me think how happy my life truly is. I pray for you today that you life is as happy and amazing as mine.

So how is it for you? Is your cup half empty or half full?

Here is the picture that I was talking about:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Smith Fish Tacos

I am not a fish fan at all! I love these tacos though! It is a very easy dinner for our crazy family when we are on the go! The recipe is very quick:
1 bag of BeerBattered Fish filets
1 package of Corn Tortillas
Shredred Lettuce or Cabbage
Guacamole already made or homemade
4 tbs of Ranch Dressing
2 TBS of Sour Cream
Heat up your fish by following the directions on the bag/box. Take your corn tortillas, take 2, and heat them in a pan. Take 2 tortillas, place them in hand or plate. Put  your sauce on the tortilla on half. Then put 1 or 2 pieces of fish on the tortilla. close up the taco and add some Lettuce or Shredded Cabbage on top.   It is Yummy!!!
To Make sauce: Mix the guacamole, ranch and sour cream.  Let sit for a while or while the fish cooks to merry the flavors.
This is YUMMY!!! Pictures to come....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I have a real life prince charming.....

I am thankful for this crazy life that God has given me. I am married to an American Hero. Every year on November 10th, Marines all over the world stop for a moment to celebrate the birth of the Marine Corps. You will hear Marines laughing, sharing drinks and saying Happy Birthday to each other. If you had not known what the event was for, you would think you were at the biggest birthday party for a bunch of people. Everyeone is dressed up, Marines in their Dress Blues or Aplphas, and their dates in their ball gowns with hair up, full make up , or for the male spouses, in their tux. The Marine Corps birthday is a great deal of tradition. If you are lucky enough to attend a ball, you see the tradition with the pagents, the different commidants messages and of course the Fallen Marines Table. That table always brings a tear to my eye. It makes me stop for a moment and remember there are Marines that you pass at the commissary, at walmart, anywhere that will leave on the wives dreaded white bus, and come home in a coffin draped in an American flag. Giving the ultimate sacrifice of their life for our freedom.  Today I hear the National Anthem and it kills me. I sweel with pride and tears start to flow. I know the sacrafices that our country endures everyday for our freedoms and I am so proud to sacrifice for our Country.

I am thankful beyond words that God has given me this life, I have learned how life is so fragile, and I know truly how to make the best of each day with my Marine, even through the grumpy times. I am still thankful during our fights that may occur that he is standing next me, even mad but still standing next to me..... I am thankful that he is at least still next to me. I think it is hard for civillian people to understand the true agnoy that rips through us each night as we lay down to bed.

It is ok though, I am thankful that one day I will have my Marine home every night. I will not glady pass the torch to a new Marine Wife to a new Marine, I want to make sure that the next wife who takes my place in the Marine Corps will be strong and be understanding. It is not her Marines fault he has to work or  I hope they understand that His heart is ripping out of his chest when he gives his wife one last hug before heading to the bus for his deployment time.

This post turned into so much more then what I was going to post.... I guess God sometimes has better words then our plans!

Till we meet again.... <3

Thursday, November 10, 2011

School has a way of making me get behind!

Like the title says, School has a way of making me behind. I was recently voted the pto president of dizzles school. I am loving every minute of it and it does make me behind sometimes. I am having to learn a whole new organization for myself. I definetly make sure that I have time for God every morning. It may not be a whole lot of time but I give my time selfless. He is worth the time and more.

With Thanksgiving coming up faster and faster, I am loving the fact that I am going to be home this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is nice that we will be a family for one time. It is far and few between that we are all together for these holidays. Last year, we didnt have daddy with us for Thanksgiving. It was not the way I wanted to celebrate but I had to be Thankful last year that daddy was almost home. I am extremely thankful that this year we got our daddy home this year.

This year I am going to start doing Christmas Crafts and  I will be posting them online! I can't wait. Do you have favorite crafts? Do you have favorite recipes? Share them with me! I would love them!