Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do you have any Favorite Summertime BBQing Tips?

We love to BBQ! We love to grill! However you say it, We love to do it! We are from Texas and it should come as no surprise, we love to cook fantastic food! My husband and I want to have a BBQ Restaurant one day when he is ready to start a new career. We have a lot of great tips that I have been cleared to share, we have alot of great tips that are top secret and we would have to kill ya if we told ya!

Here are a few of our tips for grilling:
bar b que 1
1. Pre-Heat the grill for your food and to get the maximum grill marks. Let's face it, we love to have nice looking food. It appeals to us and makes us hungry. If your grill is hot, you will have really nice marks on the food and it will look like the "professionals"

2.Try and get your steaks to room temperature. I know this goes against everything you have been told but trust me, it actually will make your steak go into shock if you do not have the steak at room temperature. Now, don't leave your steak out overnight, or outside to bake in the sun. That will definitely make you sick! ( I am not responsible if this makes you sick because you do not do it right!)

New York Strip Steak

3. Grill your veggies and fruit on foil! You can put a sheet of foil down before you light your grill. Please be advised, you will need the grill to be cold in order to put the foil down and not burn your fingers! You will want to push the foil down so you can see the grill marks through the foil. You will not drop any food in your grill but still have fantastic marks.

4. Salt and Pepper are your best friend! I know we want to have these awesome spices and marinades but when making burgers, pork chops and steaks, sometimes less is best! I love a great steak but I want to taste the meat not the spice!

Salt and Pepper

and last but not least

5. Don't over cook your meat. I know you are probably rolling your eyes but seriously, there are some amazing meat thermometers, you can even have one in the meat in the grill and while you are chilling inside prepping for the other sides for your dinner!

I hope that you can walk away with a few great tips for BBQ season. I love the summer because you can be outside alot, see bugs and creatures you don't normally see, and spend quality family time!

Happy friends
                                                                    Till next post,

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