Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Boogers, Burps and other unmentionables....

A group of friends took our children to the Discovery Cube in Santa Ana, Ca. yesterday. That was an adventure if we have ever had one! It was super fun to watch the children run around and have a great day. I actually thought we would be able to walk through and have fun, no children being bad, everyone walking and listening. It was quite the opposite, I mean dont get me wrong everyone was great, no bad kids. They were doing exactly what they were supposed to, explore and learn! I like things to be a bit more organized and it wasnt but I have to say it was super fun anyways!

We learned about all different bodily functions in the Grossology section of the museum. We learned alot about planets, rocket ships ( they completely stink! YUCK) and Dinosaurs. WE did a couple of fun research exibits with the dinosaurs. It was fun running around with our fun wand waving it in the face of different bones and dinosuars. i just keept thinking that if they were real, we proably wouldnt be waving our magic wand in their faces. WE would have run! ha ha ha!!

My daughter was so excited, she took pictures of the whole family and the whole day. I will share a couple! :)

Ok this is me driving Daddy's Truck! Lexis said mom smile!

This was after Lunch, Coco was so not having fun now, he was tired! :(

This is one of my good friends Andrea! I love her!

These are some of the amazing planets we saw, they were so beautiful!

I totally cheated for dinner, We had Taco Bell, apparently it was so great Lexi had to take a picture of it lol

Not quite sure what she was doing, I guess she was bored! HA HA HA HA

We are total goof balls! She wrote as a cation, Nobody NOSE the things we have seen! LOL I want to say something like, We dont mean to be boogers just having fun ha ha ha ha

So as you can see our day was filled with alot of fun! I just hope that it was a memory that my children can cherish for a lifetime. Hope everyone has an amazing day! Now to start thinking about our Thankful Thursday!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Starting the week off right!

I love to start my week off right! I love Sunday mornings when we all get dressed, get all our Sunday bests on and head out. In a perfect world, we would all glide every so gracefully and get everything out and ready, head to church singing praises to Jesus our King and have a great day. In our reality, we are rushing, yelling, fighting and then getting to church, straighting our clothes and putting a smile on our face. It makes me so sad that, it happens that way. I always want to praise Jesus in what I do but I know alot of times I am not doing a very good job. Our wonderful pastor gave a great message today about how with the knowledge and word from Jesus, we should be more powerful in the world, We should automatically know that if we get sick, we are healed in Jesus name, We should never want to be poor, In Jesus name, we are to be wealthy in mind, body and spirit!

I am proclaiming that Jesus helps with our debt and helps to make us whole money wise. We are still struggling with our finances from our youth. We never really saved money, we were very in the heat of the moment. If we wanted it, and we had the money IT WAS GOING HOME WITH US THAT MOMENT.

I hope that with prayer ( I actually KNOW that with prayer) that Jesus will help to heal our finances. If you are feeling the pinch of the economy meltdown, get on your knees and PRAY!!!

We have a super busy week this week! I will be posting different adventures we go through this week! HAVE A BLESSED SUNDAY AND GET SOME REST! Your body will thank you for it! :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Something for Fridays??????

I am a very busy woman, This year I am trying to learn how to cut things down and just chill out! I like to do a million things all at the same time and it is just not a good thing. I mean really who needs to do 1 million things a day? Ok, I do lol!!!!! As a mom of 3 I am naturally extremely busy. I am having to try to take it slow now also because my 2 year old is potty training! He is very capable of doing it, I just dont want him to ha ha. I guess I am scared to let my poor baby actually grow up. He is my last baby. When we had him, I told my husband, The next newborn that is in our bloodline we hold in our arms will be our grandbabies! That is absolutely amazing to us.

ok, so I am trying to figure out something fun for Fridays--- Wow that isnt obvious is it ha ha ha.
How about FUN FRIDAY? I need something fun to start the weekends. It is the hardest when daddy is gone. He would usually be hanging out with us vegging on the couch and just being daddy. It is hard during the school time when we have acutal down time. It will be hard this fall as our first son is playing football! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! I mean I love football and everyone who knows me knows this ( you now know me! :) ) My favorite team is Cowboys. I just feel so bad because if someone loves football more then me it is daddy! He so wishes he could see his son play a great sport! We have our kids lives planned out ( as most parents do right, or are we the only weirdos? LOL) My daughter Lele will be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, Dizzle will be a Quarterback and Cody will be the defensive lineman all for the Cowboys! ha ha ha! Wow what a dream! I mean I will end up with a teacher, doctor and lawyer! And you know what I will still be so very proud of that!!! I LOVE MY CHILDREN and I cant believe that God blessed me so very much with an amazing family! I guess in order to run this family I need to get busy! Hope you have a fantablous Friday!- Hmmm I like Fantablous Fridays too! HA HA HA

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ahhh the smell of school in the air....

I can totally tell that school is just around the corner for us! We live on a military base and during the begining of the summer, all the houses around you simply become vaccant. It is an amazing process that happens almost over night, all the 18 wheelers come by and the family just vanishes over night. It is quite a process actually! It is almost evenly amazing when you wake up and find out that there is a new family moving into that house that stayed vaccant for how ever many weeks. I went out to bring the garbage cans in just now and saw an 18 wheeler trying it's best to not hit any vehicles as it was trying to fit its big rig down our little street. It makes me wonder how much our walls actually see. What kind of energy they hold in the little holes ( that are more then likely covered with white toothpaste because that is a big military family secret) how much love these walls might have seen and how much fighting they might have heard. It also makes me wonder how much crying and broken hearts the walls have heard and tried to stand taller even though they were sad as well. Our Military life can be filled with alot of heart breaking moments. it is just a way of life for us. I believe it makes us stronger though. If we can make our way though a 6 month deployment, we really can make our way through anything.

I can tell that fall is coming closer because I can see all the fall decorations around! IT MAKES ME SUPER EXCITED because I know my husband is one step closer to being home. ;)

Well, we got sick on Sunday, all 4 of us got a yucky stomach bug, thankfully our youngest didnt have it coming out either end but he had a whinny attitude, and he had every right, I mean when you just dont feel good it feels good to not be nice. If that makes any sense at all. ha ha ha

Well, I am thinking of starting a weekly Thankful Thursday post. I mean everyone is excited for Friday to come, How about the day before??? I am posing we start a Thankful Thursday!
Look for my post tomorrow for what I am thankful for! I hope everyone has an amazing day and start counting your blessings for they are more then you could ever expect! :)

Have a great day!